Apache directory listing themed by Apaxy
- NOTE: define a global folder installation path
for example, imagine
/somewhere/ |-- site/ |-- app/ # as YOUR_APACHE_APP_DIR_OUTSIDE_APACHE |-- www/ # as YOUR_APACHE_ROOT_DIR |-- files/ # as YOUR_FOLDER_TO_HAVE_FILELIST
so, the result will be
/somewhere/ |-- site/ |-- app/ |-- apaxy-master/ |-- www/ |-- _dir_theme -> ../app/apaxy_master/apaxy/theme |-- files |-- .htaccess -> ../../app/apaxy_master/apaxy/htaccess.txt
# global apaxy install, to be actived locally cd YOUR_APACHE_APP_DIR_OUTSIDE_APACHE wget https://github.com/AdamWhitcroft/Apaxy/archive/master.zip unzip master.zip rm master.zip mv apaxy-master/apaxy/theme/htaccess.txt apaxy-master/apaxy/theme/.htaccess mv apaxy-master/apaxy/htaccess.txt apaxy-master/apaxy/htaccess.txt_orig cat apaxy-master/apaxy/htaccess.txt_orig | sed -e 's^theme^/_dir_theme^g' -e 's^//_dir_theme^/_dir_theme^g' > apaxy-master/apaxy/htaccess.txt rm apaxy-master/apaxy/htaccess.txt_orig cd YOUR_APACHE_ROOT_DIR ln -s YOUR_APACHE_APP_DIR_OUTSIDE_APACHE/apaxy-master/apaxy/theme _dir_theme # local apaxy activation cd YOUR_FOLDER_TO_HAVE_FILELIST ln -s YOUR_APACHE_APP_DIR_OUTSIDE_APACHE/apaxy-master/apaxy/htaccess.txt .htaccess
Php as fcgi
apt-get update apt-get install apache2 apache2-mpm-worker libapache2-mod-fcgid apache2-suexec php5-cgi a2dismod php5 a2enmod include a2enmod actions a2enmod rewrite a2enmod suexec a2enmod fcgid /etc/init.d/apache2 stop cd /srv/config/init.d ln -s /etc/init.d/apache2 apache2 cd ../rc.d ln -s ../init.d/apache2 S75_apache2 ln -s ../init.d/apache2 K25_apache2 cd /etc/apache2/sites-available cat > SITE.WHR << EOF <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName SITE.WHR <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^SITE.WHR RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://www.SITE.WHR/$1 [L,R=301] </IfModule> </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName www.SITE.WHR ServerAdmin root@SITE.WHR DocumentRoot /srv/domain/SITE.WHR/www LogLevel warn ErrorLog /srv/domain/SITE.WHR/log/error.log CustomLog /srv/domain/SITE.WHR/log/access.log combined <Directory /srv/domain/SITE.WHR/www> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny allow from all <IfModule mod_fcgid.c> Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch <IfModule dir_module> DirectoryIndex index.php index.html </IfModule> # mediawiki pretty url <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/?wiki(/.*)?$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/mediawiki/index.php [L] RewriteRule ^/*$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/mediawiki/index.php [L] </IfModule> AddHandler fcgid-script .php FCGIWrapper /usr/bin/php-cgi .php </IfModule> </Directory> </VirtualHost> EOF cd ../sites-enabled rm 000-default ln -s ../sites-available/SITE.WHR 000-SITE.WHR nano ../mods-available/fcgid.conf <IfModule mod_fcgid.c> AddHandler fcgid-script .fcgi FcgidConnectTimeout 20 ### ADD FOLLOW FcgidMaxProcesses 5 FcgidMinProcessesPerClass 1 FcgidMaxProcessesPerClass 3 FcgidIdleTimeout 30 FcgidIdleScanInterval 10 FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess 100 FcgidFixPathinfo 1 ### END </IfModule> /etc/init.d/apache2 stop /etc/init.d/apache2 start
this post shows how to estimate a good limit for apache workers
Php as module
root@host:~# apt-get install gcc g++ autoconf automake make gettext binutils file libtool pkg-config libssl-dev libxml2-dev libpcre3-dev libbz2-dev libjpeg62-dev libpng12-dev libxpm-dev libgd2-xpm-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev ssl-cert libmcrypt-dev libmhash-dev libtidy-dev libpq-dev libmysqlclient15-dev libsqlite3-dev libapr1-dev libaprutil1-dev libpspell-dev root@host:~# wget http://opensource.become.com/apache/httpd/httpd-2.2.17.tar.bz2 root@host:~# tar -xjf httpd-2.2.17.tar.bz2 root@host:~# cd httpd-2.2.17 root@host:~/httpd-2.2.17# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache root@host:~/httpd-2.2.17# make root@host:~/httpd-2.2.17# make install root@host:~# groupadd -g 5001 apache root@host:~# useradd -g 5001 -u 5001 -d /usr/local/apache apache root@host:~# chown -R apache:apache /usr/local/apache
root@host:~# wget http://museum.php.net/php5/php-5.3.3.tar.bz2 root@host:~# tar -xjf php-5.3.3.tar.bz2 root@host:~# cd php-5.3.3 root@host:~/php-5.3.3# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-force-cgi-redirect --enable-fastcgi root@host:~/php-5.3.3# make root@host:~/php-5.3.3# make install
root@host:~# wget http://www.suphp.org/download/suphp-0.7.1.tar.gz root@host:~# tar -xzf suphp-0.7.1.tar.gz root@host:~# cd suphp-0.7.1 root@host:~/suphp-0.7.1# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/suphp --with-apr=/usr/local/apache/bin --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs root@host:~/suphp-0.7.1# make root@host:~/suphp-0.7.1# make install
CORS Origin workaround
<IfModule mod_headers.c> # from http://stackoverflow.com/a/22331292 # tested at http://regexr.com/3e33k SetEnvIf Origin "^(https?://(?:[\w-]+\.?)+(?::\d{1,5})?)(?:/.*)?$" CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN=$1 Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin %{CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN}e env=CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN Header merge Vary "Origin" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials "true" Header set Access-Control-Max-Age "1728000" </IfModule>
from stackoverflow.com apache default vhost
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/vhosts/name-based.html (Should be true for 2.x also) "If no matching virtual host is found, then the first listed virtual host that matches the IP address will be used. As a consequence, the first listed virtual host is the default virtual host. The DocumentRoot from the main server will never be used when an IP address matches the NameVirtualHost directive. If you would like to have a special configuration for requests that do not match any particular virtual host, simply put that configuration in a container and list it first in the configuration file."
from http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/PerformanceScalingUp
Requests for dynamically generated content usually take significantly more resources than requests for static content. Static content consists of simple filespages, images, etc.-on disk that are very efficiently served. Many operating systems also automatically cache the contents of frequently accessed files in memory.
outro link interessante: http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/PerformanceScalingOut
o que acredito: client pede uma página para o apache, o apache avalia o percurso (virtualhost), se o client usa cache o apache verifica a data do file, de qualquer jeito pega o file e entrega; o varnish recebe a requisição, gera um hasmap e verifica na cache dele, se tem na cache entrega, senão pede para o apache.
Em caso de disponibilidade de memória, conteúdo muito requisitado tem muita probabilidade de já estar na cache RAM do OS, nesse caso uma leitura de um file resulta de uma leitura em um setor de memória já preenchido na leitura anterior; em caso não esteja na memória, o tempo de carregamento de file no disco deveria ser parecido. O apache poderia ter uma sobrecarga para coisas que faz amais do varnish (segurança, sessão, rewrite..)...
Um pequeno ganho vezes muitas requisiçoes pode dar resultados, mas do monitoramento que temos não parece perceptível.
para ver as portas abertas
netstat -tulpn
para ver o trafico em entrada, o comando a seguir da para entender:
tcpdump -n -i eth0 host and not tcp port 22 and not tcp port 80
count dos processos do apache
ps ax | grep httpd | wc -l