Makefile for CMake
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Makefile to use Cmake
# # # make options MAKEFLAGS+= -s BUILD_PATH=build all: debug style: command -v astyle >/dev/null 2>&1 && astyle --style=ansi -r -n "./*.h" "./*.cpp" || echo "Warning: can't find astyle executable!"; debug: style mkdir -p $(BUILD_PATH)/debug; cd $(BUILD_PATH)/debug; cmake ../.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug; make -C $(BUILD_PATH)/debug; release: style mkdir -p $(BUILD_PATH)/release; cd $(BUILD_PATH)/release; cmake ../.. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release; make -C $(BUILD_PATH)/release; install: release make -C $(BUILD_PATH)/release $(MAKECMDGOALS); install_debug: debug make -C $(BUILD_PATH)/debug install; clean: test -d $(BUILD_PATH)/release && make -C $(BUILD_PATH)/release $(MAKECMDGOALS) || true; test -d $(BUILD_PATH)/debug && make -C $(BUILD_PATH)/debug $(MAKECMDGOALS) || true; test -d install/ && rm -f install/* || true; purge: test -d $(BUILD_PATH) && rm -rf ./$(BUILD_PATH) || true; test -d install && rm -rf install || true; # End