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Questo script fa un backup completo di MySQL e lo invia all'email configurato. E' possibile restaurare il backup con le istruzioni dell'articolo MySQL.
Il percorso /srv/backup/mysql/alldatabases/ deve esistere e essere di proprietà dell'utente mysql, e i comandi mail, mysqldump, gzip, ftp e mutt devono essere accessibili.
#!/bin/bash # # NAME # VERSION 1.1 # REQUIRED mysqldump, mail, mutt, gzip, ftp # # Var BACKUP_DIR="/srv/backup/mysql/alldatabases/"; BACKUP_FILE="bkp-mysql_alldatabases-`date +%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M.%S`-dump.sql.gz"; BACKUP_COMMAND="mysqldump --user=root --single-transaction --all-databases --flush-logs --lock-tables --flush-privileges | gzip > ${BACKUP_DIR}${BACKUP_FILE}"; BACKUP_USER="root"; ROTATE_USER="mysql"; ROTATE_DAYS="8"; SEND_BY_FTP="y"; FTP_HOST="[DESTDOMSIN.WHR]"; FTP_DIR="mysql/alldatabases"; FTP_USER="[USER]"; FTP_PASS="[PASS]"; SEND_BY_EMAIL="n"; EMAIL="[WHO@MAILSERVER.WHR]"; SUBJECT="[YOURDOMAIN.WHR] MySQL backup"; # Test if test ! `which mail` then echo "Command mail not found, exit."; exit 1; fi; if test ! `which mysqldump` then echo "Command mysqldump not found, exit." | mail -s "${SUBJECT} error." "${EMAIL}"; exit 1; fi; if test ! `which gzip` then echo "Command gzip not found, exit." | mail -s "${SUBJECT} error." "${EMAIL}"; exit 1; fi; if test ! `which ftp` then echo "Command ftp not found, exit." | mail -s "${SUBJECT} error." "${EMAIL}"; exit 1; fi; if test ! `which mutt` then echo "Command mutt not found, exit." | mail -s "${SUBJECT} error." "${EMAIL}"; exit 1; fi; if ! test -d "${BACKUP_DIR}"; then echo "Directory ${BACKUP_DIR} don't exist, exit." | mail -s "${SUBJECT} error." "${EMAIL}"; exit 1; fi; if test -f "${BACKUP_DIR}${BACKUP_FILE}"; then echo "File ${BACKUP_DIR}${BACKUP_FILE} alredy exist, exit." | mail -s "${SUBJECT} error." "${EMAIL}"; exit 1; fi; if ! su - "${BACKUP_USER}" -c "touch ${BACKUP_DIR}${BACKUP_FILE}"; then echo "User ${BACKUP_USER} cannot write in ${BACKUP_DIR}${BACKUP_FILE}, exit." | mail -s "${SUBJECT} error." "${EMAIL}"; exit 1; fi; su - "${BACKUP_USER}" -c "rm -f ${BACKUP_DIR}${BACKUP_FILE}"; # Backup if ! su - "${BACKUP_USER}" -s /bin/sh -c "${BACKUP_COMMAND}"; then echo "Backup ${BACKUP_COMMAND} failure, exit." | mail -s "${SUBJECT} error." "${EMAIL}"; exit 1; fi; chown "${ROTATE_USER}":"${ROTATE_USER}" "${BACKUP_DIR}${BACKUP_FILE}"; # Rotate if ! su - "${ROTATE_USER}" -s /bin/sh -c "ls -t ${BACKUP_DIR}*-dump.sql.gz | tail -n +${ROTATE_DAYS} | xargs -d '\n' rm -f"; then echo "Rotate ${BACKUP_DIR} failure, exit." | mail -s "${SUBJECT} error." "${EMAIL}"; exit 1; fi; # Upload if test ${SEND_BY_FTP} = "y"; then ftp -i -n ${FTP_HOST} << EOF user ${FTP_USER} ${FTP_PASS} binary put ${BACKUP_DIR}${BACKUP_FILE} ${FTP_DIR}${BACKUP_FILE} quit EOF if test $? -ne 0; then echo "Upload to ${FTP_HOST} failure, exit." | mail -s "${SUBJECT} error." ${EMAIL}; exit 1; fi; fi; # Exit if test ${SEND_BY_EMAIL} = "y"; then ls -l "${BACKUP_DIR}" | mutt -n -e 'set copy=no' -s "${SUBJECT} success." -a "${BACKUP_DIR}${BACKUP_FILE}" -- "${EMAIL}"; exit 0; else ls -l "${BACKUP_DIR}" | mail -s "${SUBJECT} success." "${EMAIL}"; fi; # End